Monday Evenings - Table Tennis group meet at the Church Hall from 7:30pm onwards.
Tuesday Evenings - Phase 4 Exercise Classes. The classes are delivered by a BACPR Qualified Instructor. If you want more information contact: [email protected]
Wednesday- Wednesday Welcome - Every Wednesday (Term Time). Guest Speakers, Activities and Fellowship. 10:30 - 11:30am in the Church Hall. Coffee and Tea served 10:15 - 10:30am ALL WELCOME.
Wednesday - Knit n Natter. Every Wednesday 1:30pm – 3:30pm. Soup & filled Rolls available from 12 noon.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting - Every Wednesday between 7pm and 7:30pm you are welcome to join us at our Zoom run Prayer Meeting. Everyone is welcome - come for the whole meeting or just come for as long as you want. You don't need to say anything - you can just sit, listen, think and contemplate quietly. To join the online prayer meeting click on this link
Thursday - Parents & Toddlers Group - 10:00 - 11:45am in the Church Hall (Term time only)
Friday - Worship Band Practice. The Worship band meets weekly to rehearse songs for the service on Sunday and also practice new songs. If you are a musician and you are looking to rehearse and practice in a band environment, learn how to perform in front of an audience then please in touch with the Church office. You don't need to be a Christian, or that good - just keen and willing. email the office on [email protected]